Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Archived SWTOR Beta Tester Blog Pics Tips and Tricks

In this blog I will be covering the SWTOR Beta Test, my restrictions as a Beta Tester have been lifed at this point so I can now blog, discuss, and post pictures from the Beta from this point forward.

That being said let's start with the opening movie.  I wil be covering tips and tricks to give you a head start on the game as well as posting pics from the Beta.

In a Galaxy Far Far Away...

Clips from opening movie of SWTOR Beta

Jedi thought bubble: We are so screwed..

Imperial Soldier and Bounty Hunter classes after p*wning some face.

Enter 2 of the Sith classes

Obligatory Jedi vs Sith epic lightsaber battle.

Lightsaber throw ability

Force Leap.. one of my favorite abilities. Yes the Jedi is about to get owned.

Now on to the gameplay, graphics look good and the interface has much of the traditional MMO elements like WoW so if you're used to WoW you'll pick this up very easily. Here is a starting quest where you get an ancient Sith Warblade.

This is one of the hub locations in the Sith starting area at the base of the Sith Academy stairs. You'll essentially spend your first 10 or so levels on Korriban learning all your abilities and getting your first companion. Companions are controlled and can be outfitted by the player. More on that later. Korriban is expansive and has a good number of zones inc temples and tombs.

This is the Sith Academy a 3 level structure and quest hub with a bunch of different main quests and side quests. The quest givers, Cantina (Rest Zone), and Skill Trainers are all in here. Note about the Cantina (Rest Zone) If you want to build rested xp you need to log out in a rest zone.

I'm taking a transport (taxi) to another zone on Korriban for the next series of quests. Important note, as you are doing quests you have choices that affect not only light and dark side but also different choices can gain favor with the powers on that world and earn you commendations which are basically special tokens to buy cool gear with. Your choices in an earlier quest can come back to help or haunt you later so do not just randomly blunder through quests and click any response.

See this guy and how he has a gold star next to his name? Yeah it means he's powerful and will be a challenge and may kill you if you try and solo him. I took him down but I'm playing a Sith Warrior which is a tank class so I can take alot of dmg. Also.. explore!! You get extra xp and can sometimes find items that lead to other quests and hidden rewards. This game rewards you for doing more than just the main questline.

This is Darth Baras, your new master and his star pupil and your rival. This is after the whole incident between Darth Baras and your former master (who I really couldn't stand and elected to kill). It's important to note that choosing the correct responses influences a hidden value in the game of how much a particular character likes you which in turn affects all sorts of other things. This rival tries to kill you several times and you go through a whole plot of how to deal with him but it's important to remember the rules of the sith so you don't get yourself in trouble. In the end I followed the rules and let this guy try to kill me and then I killed him in self defense after making him angry enough to ignore Darth Baras' orders. So I got to kill him and no penalty for me.

Darth Baras gives you your first companion. A Twi'lek that seems to be a bounty hunter type class. And he tells you to, "Dominate her as you see fit." Game throws in some intimate domantion overtones here so not sure how far you can take that. Note: Companions have a visible indicator of how much they like you. This has various affects on the game, in general I think having them like you is a good thing.

Ok that covers most of lvl 1-10 on Korriban.  Next installment will be getting your lightsaber the Imperial Fleet and Dromund Kaas.

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