Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Archived Skyrim Blog Tips Tricks and Pics

Here is the digest of my Skyrim Blog for the day covering a span of my adventures in Skyrim with some Tips & Tricks as well as pics from the game. Well I did it, I found my love in Skyrim. This hot sexy Argonian stud and we got married and became mates then hopped in the bed and made love. (Too bad Skyrim doesn't show that part) Now he lives with me and runs a shop which you can buy and sell from and he'll cook tastey meals and after you make love you get a special "Lover's Comfort" (afterglow) buff that boosts the rate of all skill learning by 15% for 8hrs.
Another beautiful shot in Skyrim showing off the wonderful fog and cloud laying effects as well as the beautiful trees. Looks kinda familar doesn't it.

Skyrim Pic

This is a giant and several of his Mammoths, this is really important. Giants hit really really hard and can 1 shot you. They literally can hit you for over 200 dmg in 1 swing but they are not aggressive unless provoked. So avoid combat around them unless you're really careful to let them aggro on whatever you're fighting and not on you.
Skyrim Giant

Oh noes! My friend he is about to be attacked and I cannot save him.... yeah well he isn't the one who needs saving. 5-1... not a problem for this guy...
Oh noes! 5-1

Yep he's a werewolf, guess it's time to feed the beast. (This is your first exposure to the hidden werewolf society in the game.)


DOGFOOD!!! Oh wait that's Shannox's line.. of well it applies here as well. Om nom nom. Yep he turned em all into hamburger. These guys are part of the Silver Hand. Werewolf hunters that carry awesome gear, be sure to have plenty of bag space when facing these guys so you can play Monty Haul.


Yet another reason to do the Companion's questlines early, you can become a Werewolf, get awesome gear and... this quest takes you to a Word Wall and you learn the Dragon Breath shout which does an incredible amount of dmg and leaves targets on fire. It's a frontal cone attack with a 30sec CD and imho one of the better shouts in the game. Perfect for torching groups of foes and taking out really strong but fire weak foes like Ice Trolls and other baddies. Also does decent dmg to dragons surprisingly.

Fire Breath Shout

Trolls... why did it have to be Trolls... Sidenote: Trolls are annoying and regen health so do not back down ever. Go full force and burn all your stamina and magic as needed to kill them asap. Cold and especially fire are effective in putting the extra hurt on them.


FATALITY!! Troll has been disemboweled. o/
Oh btw in case you're wondering why he has the blue tinge it's because I have a frost blade equipped so it does frost and stamina dmg which can prevent enemies from using their power attacks on you which is a very good thing.
Regular trolls become much easier as you go up in level this is from the companion questline at the start of the game so depending on when you did the quest you could be facing them at around level 6-7. Once you get up around 14 trolls are much easier.


Stormcloak camp in the wilderness, finding a camp of your associated faction (imperial or stormcloak) is great because it gives you a friendly travel point and depending on the camp a trader or 2 so you can unload w/o having to go all the way back to a city.

Faction Camp

Wonderful view from a ruin on the lower slopes of the "Throat of the World" This ruin has a spider boss, some decent loot and an interesting activation pedestal that juts out over the cliff that you need an item for which I haven't discovered yet but it looks out over a huge pass on the central mountain so it probably has some significance later in the game.


Spider Boss in the ruined tunnel. He hits hard up close but you can pepper him with ranged attacks or magic because he has a hard time getting at you if you stay back towards the upper part of the tunnel. I used stealth and a bow to take him down without much trouble.  I saved my game and drilled him to death with my magic bow on the first attempt and tried melee the 2nd time just to see how big he really was and how hard he hits. Yeah he hits hard if you try and melee him.  I saw him at the end of the tunnel blocking the door and so I stealthed and start hitting him with my magic bow I just backed up a bit when he got close and he would back off or deaggro so I could hit him with another sneak attack.Spider Boss

Hawt Argonian that offers to help you "relax" *keeps grinning at you like he thinks you're A) Hawt or B) A tastey piece of meat. Will sell you skooma and other naughty items.Hawt Argonian
Ok that's enough of a Skyrim report for now. I'm level 21 so far without any power leveling or anything like that and played the game a moderate amount of time. Still keeping up on my WoW raiding and some MW3. Happy Gaming :3

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