Original Gaming Furever Blog Post http://www.gamingfurever.com/index.php?option=com_myblog&show=swtor-beta-test-blog-pics-tips-tricks-part-2-lvl-11-20.html&Itemid=177
Ok time to finish up my SWTOR Beta commentary. Force Leap is awesome, let me repeat that, Force Leap is awesome use it whenever possible. Doing leap plus your AoE smash pretty much 1 shots smaller groups of trash mobs. I also scaled my screenshots down a bit so they fit better if this blog is being viewed in the main website window and not maximized.
Darth Baras has his psycho moment and looses it while trying to get info from a republic spy. I LoL'd so hard when he goes off his rocker.
OMG OMG I've got a live bomb I need to get rid of it!!! -Side Quest: The Empire needs people who don't mind getting blown into meaty chunks to find and dispose of bombs in the Imperial City.. Hazard Pay please. :3 If you're looking for the bombs they spawn on the sides of structures at about chest level.
Hey guys it's the Dark Temple where dead Sith Lords were imprisoned and now they've awakened! They're taking over the minds of all the workers and scientists sent to excavate it. I think I'll go in there at lvl 14 right after I sign over my Life Insurance to the Empire. (Wait a few more levels before going in here 16+ recommended)
Kill Giant Pig Ogre Monster Elite and get loot, hint pop your dmg resistance CD's at the start of the fight and then blow all your Dmg CD's on him and he's easilly soloable.
WTF!? Revan?! Yeah you can infiltrate / join the Order of Revan and they even ask you to retrieve his mask from a rogue Sith Lord. ***SPOILER ALERT*** There is a rumor that Revan is the current Emperor but has been locked up by the Dark Council. Only time and more gameplay will tell for sure.
After sneaking into the rogue Sith Lord's massive compound which has a ton of quests in it and fighting his army of minions and droids you finally find "The Mask of Revan" Oooo shiny...
The son of the rogue Sith Lord that Darth Baras sent you to kill. Note: Both he and his mother are Sith but not that hard. His mom will try to bribe you and will indeed offer sexual favors in exchange for not killing them. Yep it's Light/Dark Side choice time.
Sorry but I already have a hot companion so you guys are going to have to die. /Cuts down Sith Lord's wife and son. -This does have consequences later on!! +Uber Dark Side points
Yay it's the crypt of the Ravager (Ancient Sith Device that can break any person's will and get their thoughts) Doh!! the stupid scavengers took it apart! There are a bunch of quests in here and several of which involve an elite Sith Lord controlling somone so be prepared for heavy combat.
Cool lighting effects in the multi-story Dark Temple
Ding! You have just obtained the epic Sith Breather Mask thingy! o/ Stats on this thing are awesome btw, yet another reason to do all the quests in here.
See that Fallen Sith Lord over there with the really shiny star by his name? See all those HP he has? Do not go anywhere near him by yourself! Bring a friend or 2 depending on your level if you want to take him on. SWTOR has rare spawns and he is one of them.
Aha! The main plot thickens. A young Jedi who can see a person's true nature by just looking at them! Darth Baras says: I'm FIRIN' UP MAH LAZERS!! Ok ok he wants you to silence his spy network across several worlds and then find this Jedi and kill them.
That's right! You now have your own Starship! A nice sized well outfitted and upgradable ship that you use to travel around and also take on space combat missions. But before you get it.....
Remember that rogue Sith Lord and you killed his wife and son a few gameplay hours ago? Before you can board your ship one of his top agents steps out and says it's time for you to die. Pull no punches here he's standing between you and your epic ship and oh yeah he wants to kill you and hits pretty hard. Bust out your dmg mitigation CD's and then hit him with everything you've got, do not let the fight drag on just kill him asap.
Yay big ship with all sorts of stuff.
This will probably be your one of your first space missions. Go kill a space station. Note all space missions have a time limit and various win/loss conditions so read the notes on the mission before you start it.
That's no moon! That's a SPACE STATION!! Veterans of old Star Wars games will enjoy the classic space combat. If you're having a hard time be sure to go upgrade your ship it can make a big difference. Some missions are repeatable as dailies and some have differing difficulty levels you can attempt.
This is an escort mission and gets pretty hairy, I suggest upgrading your ship before attempting this one unless you're a crack shot otherwise the ship you're trying to escort will go boom.
Welcome to Balmorra. Lvl 17-21ish planet. Btw they're in a big civil war atm. Have fun! Ok break time, more on Balmorra later.
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